The Best Canvas for Mural Art
QST’s Polytab product is a non-woven fabric that is lighter than traditional canvas and can take on the form of the surface it is being applied to. It can be worked on with almost any paint or media and adhered to a wall using acrylic gel. Because of these properties, the fabric is widely used in large public mural art projects.
QST Polytab - Well loved by mural artists, our Polytab is very popular among the industry. This product is long lasting and easy to paint on. Once finished, the artist would simply stick on the wall. The freshness of the paint remains vivid after a long while.
There are many exciting projects done with QST POLYTAB by our customers. Below are some examples.
🔹 Historic Jennings County Mural Installation at Vernon, Indiana designed by Karen Chilman
🔹 Adrian Ford Fitchburg Mural by Melissa Stratton - Pandina & William Thompson
🔹 Mural at Fresh Paint Springfield - Skyview Downtown, created by GoodSpace Murals
🔹 Wall mural at State College, PA, United States by William Snyder III
🔹 Wall mural at Brownsville Child Development Center, designed & painted by Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services (The Jewish Board) and Groundswell
Acknowledgements to our customers whom approved us to post on our social media platforms.
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@freshpaintspringfield @goodspacemurals @community.mural.institute
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